WordPress database error: [Table 'dfripi_wfconfig' is read only]
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WordPress database error: [Table 'dfripi_wfconfig' is read only]
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WordPress database error: [Table 'dfripi_wfconfig' is read only]
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Notice: La funzione _load_textdomain_just_in_time è stata richiamata in maniera scorretta. Il caricamento della traduzione per il dominio customizr-pro è stato attivato troppo presto. Di solito è un indicatore di un codice nel plugin o nel tema eseguito troppo presto. Le traduzioni dovrebbero essere caricate all'azione init o in un secondo momento. Leggi Debugging in WordPress per maggiori informazioni. (Questo messaggio è stato aggiunto nella versione 6.7.0.) in /wp/shop.yokoangel.store/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114

Errore sul database di WordPress: [Table 'dfripi_options' is read only]
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Errore sul database di WordPress: [Table 'dfripi_options' is read only]
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Errore sul database di WordPress: [Table 'dfripi_options' is read only]
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Errore sul database di WordPress: [Table 'dfripi_options' is read only]
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Errore sul database di WordPress: [Table 'dfripi_options' is read only]
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Terms of sale – Yokoangel

Errore sul database di WordPress: [Table 'dfripi_options' is read only]
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Errore sul database di WordPress: [Table 'dfripi_options' is read only]
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Terms of sale

Errore sul database di WordPress: [Table 'dfripi_options' is read only]
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Errore sul database di WordPress: [Table 'dfripi_options' is read only]
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Errore sul database di WordPress: [Table 'dfripi_options' is read only]
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Errore sul database di WordPress: [Table 'dfripi_options' is read only]
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General conditions of online sale


1.1. These general conditions of online sale (“General Conditions”) apply to all sales contracts concluded between Ba.Li srl., With registered office in Pietrasanta (Italy), Via Padule 135 (“Company”), and the user, understood in accordance with article 3 of Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 (“Consumer Code”) as a consumer ie, a natural person acting for purposes unrelated to any entrepreneurial, commercial, craft or professional activity carried out (“User”) on the basis of orders sent electronically through the website www.yokoangel .store (“Site”).

1.2. 1.2. By declaring to accept these General Conditions when purchasing a product on the Site, the User undertakes to comply with these General Conditions. The User will not be able to purchase products through the Site in the event of non-acceptance of these General Conditions.


2.1. 2.1. The Company reserves the right to make changes to these General Conditions at any time should such changes be necessary to comply with legal provisions, to adapt the General Conditions to the Company’s sales models or for technical reasons. The updated version of the General Conditions is published from time to time on the Site. In any case, the version of the General Conditions in force at the time of placing the purchase order applies to each purchase.


3.1. 3.1. To proceed with the purchase of the products on the Site, the User must create a new account on the Site, access the Site with their authentication credentials already obtained following the creation of an account in their name on the Site, or access the Site through their login credentials to the social networks Facebook and Google, using the features made available by the managers of these social networks.

3.2. 3.2. To create a new account on the Site, the User must correctly fill in the fields of the registration form, entering all the data requested therein (by way of example and not limited to: name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number and password) , confirm that you have read the privacy policy on the Site and provide any further consent and confirm the registration.

3.3. 3.3. For the purpose of creating an account on the Site, the User must choose a password which he is required to keep confidential, as better described in the Terms of Use of the Site. The User’s username, on the other hand, will coincide with the e-mail address indicated by the User himself during registration.

3.4. 3.4. Following registration on the Site, the User will receive an e-mail confirming registration, at the address indicated in the registration phase.

3.5. 3.5. Subsequently, the User can select a payment method from those indicated in the following article 8.1 and electronically submit their purchase order to the Company.

3.6. 3.6. The User can cancel his account at any time by sending an email to the Company at the address indicated in the following article 14. Upon receipt of this communication, any contractual relationship between the User and the Company – without prejudice to purchase orders already sent before the cancellation request – will be considered resolved and the User’s username and password will be deleted.


4.1. 4.1. The User can also purchase through the Site as a guest, without creating an account on the Site. In this case, the User must correctly fill in the fields of the appropriate login form on the Site, entering all the data requested therein ( by way of example and not limited to: name, surname, billing and delivery address, e-mail address and telephone number), and accept these General Conditions.


5.1. 5.1. The submission of a purchase order through the Site constitutes a binding purchase offer with respect to the selected products and, therefore, the conclusion of a purchase contract, which will be fully governed by these General Conditions (“Contract”).

5.2. 5.2. Once the purchase order has been sent, the Company sends the User an email confirming receipt of the order, containing the order number and the details of the order placed (“Confirmation of Receipt”). However, it is understood that the conclusion of the Contract is subject to the express approval of the purchase order by the Company, which consists in sending an email with which the Company confirms to the User that the order is in progress. shipment (“Shipping Confirmation”). Therefore, the User acknowledges that the Receipt Confirmation does not constitute acceptance of the purchase order and that the Contract will be concluded upon receipt by the User of the Shipping Confirmation, pursuant to the following art. 9.2.

5.3. 5.3. Before confirming the purchase order, the User is required to check the summary of the purchase order to check that all the data provided is correct. Any errors in data entry can be corrected using the appropriate data modification functions on the Site. In case of errors that the User has noticed only after confirming the purchase order, the User can correct them by contacting the Company in the manner indicated in the following article 14.

5.4. 5.4. The User is required to keep the order number present in the Receipt Confirmation in order to access the assistance service and for any other communication with the Company.


6.1. 6.1. The User can select only the products in the catalog published in the Site and are available at the time of the purchase order by the User. The selected products are placed in the cart, the content of which can be deleted or modified at any time until the purchase order is forwarded.

6.2. 6.2. The product catalog is periodically updated by the Company, which, therefore, does not provide any guarantee regarding the permanence of a product among those available or regarding the availability of all sizes / versions of each product / color present in the catalog.

6.3. 6.3. Each product is accompanied by a description of its main characteristics. The images and colors of the products in the descriptive cards may not correspond faithfully to the real ones, due to the settings of the computer systems or devices used by the User to view the Site. Therefore, the images published must be considered indicative within the limits of normal tolerance.

6.4. 6.4. The products on the Site are available while stocks last. If, although selectable, the chosen product is not available, the Company will promptly notify the User via email at the address provided by the User. In the event of permanent unavailability of the product, the Company will offer the User one or more alternative products, it being understood that, if the User does not intend to accept the proposal, he will be promptly reimbursed for any amount already paid. In case of acceptance by the User of the alternative proposal, to be sent by email to the address referred to in the following art. 14, the Contract is concluded upon receipt by the User of the Shipping Confirmation, in accordance with the previous art. 5.2.


7.1. 7.1. The sales prices are expressed in Euros and are inclusive of VAT.

7.2. 7.2. The sales prices applicable to the User are those published online at the time the purchase order is placed. These prices may be subject to change without prior notice. It is the User’s responsibility to check the final price before submitting the purchase order.

7.3. 7.3. All prices of the products on the Site are net of shipping costs, which remain entirely the responsibility of the User. These costs vary depending on the shipping method selected and are indicated separately in the summary of the purchase order and in the Receipt Confirmation.


8.1. 8.1. The payment methods available to the User are listed below:

8.1.1. 8.1.1. Credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express);

8.1.2. 8.1.2. PayPal;

8.2. 8.2. The price must be paid at the time of placing the order, in case of payment by credit card or PayPal or at the time of delivery of the products. 8.3.

8.3. The Company reserves the right not to accept the purchase order in the event of failure to authorize the payment by the manager of the payment method used pursuant to Article 8.1.


9.1. 9.1. The products purchased on the Site are delivered to the shipping address indicated by the User when registering on the Site or purchasing the product by express courier.

9.2. 9.2. Upon delivery of the products by the Company to the express courier, the User receives the Shipping Confirmation, in which the tracking code for tracking the shipment is expressly indicated.

9.3. 9.3. The Company undertakes to deliver the products within 30 (thirty) days from the date of the Receipt Confirmation.

9.4. 9.4. Delivery is understood to be made at the time of the acquisition, by the User or a third party authorized by him, of the material availability of the products, which will be proven by signing the order receipt at the agreed shipping address.

9.5. 9.5. Upon delivery of the product, the User is required to check that the packaging is intact and without signs of damage, tampering or alteration. If this verification is not successful, the User must immediately make the necessary complaints to the courier, refusing the product or accepting it with a written reservation on the transport document. In addition, the User must promptly inform the Company of the incident, by contacting the Company’s customer service (“Customer Service”) in the manner indicated in the following art. 14.

9.6. 9.6. In case of non-delivery of the products due to the absence of the User on the occasion of the attempts provided for by the procedure applied by the courier, the courier will keep the products in its warehouse until they are collected by the User and, in any case, by deadline indicated in the notice of attempted delivery left to the User. If the products are not collected within this period, the products will be returned by the courier to the Company.


10.1. 10.1. The User declares and guarantees:

10.1.1. 10.1.1. to be able to legitimately stipulate the Contract;

10.1.2. 10.1.2. to be of age;

10.1.3. 10.1.3. that the personal data and other information communicated to the Company when registering on the Site or purchasing a product are true, correct and up-to-date. The Company reserves the right to verify at any time and by any means at its disposal the information provided, also by requesting the User suitable supporting documentation and, in the event of violation of this article 10.1.3, to deactivate or suspend the User’s account;

10.1.4. 10.1.4. who will use the Site in compliance with any applicable law or regulation provision, refraining from any form of direct and / or indirect use of the Site that is in contrast with the law, these General Conditions or detrimental to the rights of third parties.

10.2. 10.2. The User undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless the Company against any liability, action, cost, expense and claim that may arise from the User’s violation of the declarations and guarantees referred to in Article 10.1, without prejudice to any the possibility for the Company to terminate the Contract with immediate effect pursuant to Article 1456 of the Civil Code in the event of a breach by the User of the aforementioned declarations and guarantees.


11.1. 11.1. The products sold through the Site to the User enjoy the legal guarantee of conformity provided for in Articles 128 et seq. of the Consumer Code (“Legal Guarantee”).

11.2. 11.2. The Company is liable to the User for any lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery of the product, provided that the lack of conformity has manifested itself within 2 (two) years of delivery of the product. The User loses his rights relating to the Legal Guarantee if he does not report the lack of conformity to the Company within 2 (two) months from the date on which he discovered the defect, by contacting Customer Service by email, at address indicated in Article 14; this report, to be reported on the form available at the bottom of these General Conditions, must contain an accurate and complete description of the contested defects or defects and photos of the product, highlighting the reported lack of conformity. Customer Service will promptly check the User’s communication, sending him an additional form to be filled in and giving him instructions for the possible return of the product.

11.3. 11.3. The return of the product will be carried out at the expense of the Company if, in the light of the complaint of the lack of conformity and the photographic documentation received, the Customer Service deems the reported defect to exist. However, if the Customer Service, following the analysis of the photographic documentation, does not consider the User’s report to be founded, the latter will be free to send the product to the Company, at its own expense, for the sole purpose of submitting it to the analysis. physics by the latter. The User must attach to the product for which he intends to enforce the Legal Guarantee, the form received by the Customer Service following the complaint of the defect (duly completed) and the payment receipt or any other document reasonably requested by the Company.

11.4. 11.4. The User may ask the Company, at its discretion, to repair the product or replace it, at no cost to him, unless the chosen remedy is objectively impossible or excessively burdensome compared to the other.

11.5. 11.5. The User may request, at his discretion, an appropriate reduction in the price or the termination of the Contract if one of the following conditions is met: repair and replacement are impossible or excessively expensive; the Company has not repaired or replaced the product within a reasonable time; the replacement or repair previously carried out has caused significant inconvenience to the User.

11.6. 11.6. Where, after having collected / received the product, the Company verifies that the reported lack of conformity actually exists, any costs of transport, repair or replacement of the product will be borne by the Company or, if the transport costs were incurred by the User pursuant to art. 11.4 above, will be reimbursed by the Company. Otherwise, or where the Company verifies that the reported lack of conformity does not exist or that there are no conditions for the applicability of the Legal Guarantee, the Legal Guarantee will not operate and all transport costs – both those incurred by the User for sending the product to the Company which vice versa – will be charged to the User; in this case, the Company will notify the User and the product will be returned to the shipping address indicated by the User. In all cases of non-delivery of products to the User or to a third party authorized by him, the products will be kept in storage for a period of 15 days or for the longer term, indicated in the notice of attempted delivery left to the User. If this term runs without the User having withdrawn the products, the Company will have the right to charge the User for the storage costs and freely dispose of the products.

11.7. 11.7. The User acknowledges and accepts that any defects or damage caused by accidental events or by the User’s responsibility or by use of the products not in accordance with their intended use or normal wear and tear will not be covered by the Legal Guarantee.


12.1. 12.1. The User has the right to withdraw from the Contract within 14 (fourteen) days, without being obliged to indicate the reasons. The withdrawal period expires after 14 (fourteen) days from the day on which the User or a third party designated by the User, other than the carrier, acquires physical possession of the purchased product. If the User has purchased multiple products with a single order, the withdrawal period expires after 14 (fourteen) days from the day on which the User or a third party, other than the carrier and designated by the User, acquires physical possession of the last of the products purchased.

12.2. 12.2. To exercise the right of withdrawal, the User is required to clearly declare their intention to withdraw from the Contract, informing the Company. To this end, the User may use the withdrawal form, available at the bottom of these General Conditions, to be filled in and sent to Customer Service by email, at the address indicated in the following art. 14.

12.3. 12.3. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for the User to send the communication relating to the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period referred to in the previous art. 12.1. Upon receipt of the above, the Company will promptly notify the User via email of an acknowledgment of receipt together with the return label, necessary for the correct return of the products to the Company.

12.4. 12.4. In the event of withdrawal, the Company will refund the User in full the price of the returned products and the initial shipping costs relating to them, with the exception of the additional costs deriving from the User’s choice of a type of delivery other than the type. less expensive offered by the Company. On the contrary, the shipping costs for returning the product will be borne by the User.

12.5. 12.5. In case of exercising the right of withdrawal, the User is obliged to return the purchased products to the Company within 14 (fourteen) days, starting from the day on which he communicated his decision to withdraw from the Contract to the Company. For the purpose of returning the product, the User will have the opportunity to use the courier service chosen by the Company. In this case, the User will not have to personally pay the costs of the return, as the Company will pay them on behalf of the User, withholding them from the reimbursement due to the User; if the User chooses to use this service, he / she must indicate it in the form referred to in the previous art. 12.2, through which he declares to the Company his intention to withdraw from the contract. The User will then be required to contact the courier directly to proceed with the return. If, on the other hand, the User freely chooses to appoint a shipper other than the one indicated by the Company, the User will have to pay the related shipping costs directly.

12.6. 12.6. The Company will reimburse the User the amounts indicated in the previous art. 12.4, without undue delay and in any case no later than 14 (fourteen) days from the day on which the Company received the notice of withdrawal from the User. However, the Company may suspend the refund until the returned products are received or until the User has demonstrated that he has returned the products, depending on which situation occurs first. These refunds will be made using the same payment method used by the User for the initial transaction, unless the User has paid by cash on delivery in which case the return will be made by bank transfer.

12.7. 12.7. The User is required to return the products without having used them, in an intact state of conservation and with original labels not removed. The packaging of the products must be accurate, in order to protect the original packaging from damage, writing or labels. If these conditions are not met, the Company will return the products to the User at the latter’s expense.

12.8. 12.8. For the purpose of returning the products to the Company, the User is required to print the withdrawal form previously completed and sent to Customer Service, applying the return label received in accordance with the previous art. 12.3. The form must therefore be inserted inside the packaging of the products, so that the return of the same to the Company is successful. Should the User have any doubts about the procedure to be followed for exercising the right of withdrawal, he can contact the Customer Service at the addresses referred to in the following art. 14. to receive all necessary clarifications.


13.1. 13.1. The Company processes the User’s personal data for the purposes and in the manner specified in the Privacy Policy on the Site.


14.1. 14.1. To receive assistance, submit complaints or request information, the User can contact the Company at the following contacts:

Customer Service +39 0584319567 or customercare@yokoangel.store


15.1. 15.1. The User has the option of using the platform established by the European Commission for the resolution of disputes relating to online sales contracts (“ODR Platform”). Through the ODR Platform, the User and the Company can resolve disputes relating to purchases made online with the assistance of an impartial body. The ODR Platform is accessible at the following link:https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/?event=main.home.show



16.1. 16.1. These General Conditions are entirely governed by Italian law. Any dispute that may arise between the Parties in relation to the validity, interpretation, execution and termination of these General Conditions or of each Contract will be the exclusive competence of the Court of the place of residence or domicile of the consumer, if located in the territory of the Italian State.